horeeeeey! setelah sekian lama mengidam-idamkan untuk merajut, tercapai juga akhirnyaaa.
yaaah, walaupun masih berantakan dan masih malas untuk menjadikannya sebuah syal. tapi lumayanlaah bisa dijadikan sebuah statement necklace. :))

most people judge others too fast from their look without wanting to know beyond what meets the eye. because of that, they often got misguided by their way of thinking.
Sometimes you just have to be brave. You have to be strong. Sometimes you just can’t give in to weak thoughts. You have to beat down those devils that get inside your head and try to make you panic. You struggle along, putting one foot a little bit ahead of the other, hoping that when you go backwa…

Rhapsy plays with the neighbors. HOREY!

sebuah amanah di atas kepala

siang ini, saat saya sedang berjalan bersama dengan beberapa teman saya sambil bercanda, tiba-tiba keluarlah kata-kata dari salah satu teman saya itu "lo kapan zu pake jilbab kaya dia?" katanya sambil setengah tertawa dengan menunjuk ke arah salah satu teman saya yang memakai jilbab panja…
they realized that they had been overambitious the first time round. perhaps they realized that they had become obsessed to the point where they would let everything else suffer. perhaps they realized they needed to swallow their pride and put away their grand plans and slow down a little.  Confess…

5 days in marvelous August


Sunglasses : Forever 21. Pink Top : Marks & Spencer. Suspender, Grey Shirt : Pasar Senen. Bag : Longchamp. Shoes : Handmade.

Top : Ciel. Skirt : Pasar Senen. Red Shoes : Crocs

Top and skirt : Pasar Senen. Shoes : Geox. Belt : Pasar Senen
