The World Through My Eyes

Sebenarnya udah lama bangeeet ide untuk membuat sebuah travel documentary ini terus disimpan di kepala saya! Rasanya buat seorang seperti saya yang sangat menghargai sebuat tempat beserta memori yang saya alami ketika melakukan suatu perjalanan, saya hampir enggak mau ada satu pun yang terlupakan. Mulai dari foto, ngumpulin bon belanja, sampai kantong makanan dan botol minum saat saya disana untuk dijadiin dekorasi di rumah sekaligus sebagai salah satu pengingat tempat tersebut. Enggak cukup itu, saya juga sampai beberapa kali merekamnya di kamera poket saya. Nah emang sih dokumentasi berupa video ini enggak sebanyak foto dan enggak sesering itu. Kadang malah kalau keasikan jadi kelupaan buat merekam, atau memang ada saatnya dimana saya hanya ingin menikmati momen tersebut tanpa  diganggu oleh kegiatan memfoto atau merekam. Apalagi mengambil momen di video memang enggak semudah ketika memfoto, terutama saat saya tau bahwa saya merekam sesuatu bukan hanya ngasal, tetapi sebagai sebuah rekaman untuk bisa mengingat momen atau hal - hal tertentu selama melakukan perjalanan ke sebuah tempat di waktu tertentu.

Actually, this idea of making travel documentary has been stuck in my head since a very long time ago. As a person who really likes to relish memories of places she has visited, I don't want to forget even a single thing of it all. Starting from photographs, bills, and even a bag of madeleine and bottles of coke, all these I have used as decorations at home and of course, to remind me later about a piece of the places I've visited. Not quite satisfied, I also recorded some of my journey in my compact camera. Not that there are many of them to begin with (compared to the photographs), because there are times when I forgot to record, or simply because I wanted to enjoy the moment and not being bothered with taking pics or footages and whatnot. Another reason is that to record a video that can capture the moment is not as easy as photograph, mainly when I started to realize when I recording a video, it's either for my documentary or keeping a "motioning" memory of that particular place or moment. 

P.S : sorry for the low quality, all the videos were taken by my phone and compact camera. 

Terima kasih banyak untuk Fiya, teman sekaligus penulis yang mengagumkan, yang telah membuat tulisan sangat bagus sehingga dapat memberikan ide kepada saya selama proses pengeditan (bagi kalian yang suka membaca tulisan ala - ala penulis profesional, kamu bisa cek blognya! it's just too awesome!). Baiklaahh kalo begitu, selamat menonton! :)

A very special thanks to Fiya, an adorable friend and writer, who wrote a writing that is so beautiful it becomes a major influence in the way I edited the video (for you who loves reading any good books, you can simply check out her blog! it's just too awesome!). Oh well, enjoy the video! x.


  1. I liked the video! You've done a great job, as always :)

  2. Ozuuuu bagus bangetttt! Terharu nontonnya :')

    1. miraaa makasiii! ayo kamu bikin video juga dong kalo lagi jalan - jalan. pasti lebih keceee X)

  3. Sungguh tulisan, foto, dan video travel mu bener2 bikin aku iri. Pengen deh bisa sebagus ituuuuuh :D

  4. Mau pake kamera HP atau compact camera tetep aja kece mba Nazura. Keep sharing.

    1. Isshh mba Amah bisaaa aja. Makasi mbaa :) Hidup kamera poket ya mbaa! Hehe.

  5. Ozuuu, you never cease to amaze me. Seriously. I'm definitely hooked. Keep traveling, writing, taking photos, and making videos! :)

    1. Aaa thank you so much Dixieee! Your kind words surely brighten my day :D

      Kamu juga sering2 nulis dan posting foto lagi dongg di wordpressmu. Selalu seneng ngeliat ada postingan baru karena udah jarang ngeblog huhu.

  6. Kak, I just found your blog like about twenty minutes ago and read from the latest post, to this video (and i'll be stalking the rest of the blog surely) and i'm so in loveee with the video and your writing!!! You're totally inspired me. Keep traveling and writing and capturing moments!
    Salam kenal kak! :)

    1. Hallo Nerissa, salam kenal juga ya! thank you so much, that's a very nice of you to say :D


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