New Bedford & Surrounding Areas

I know it's a bit early to say, but this is the best thing that has happened to me this year. My parents and I were finally reunited with my sister and her family after they moved to America four years ago. All this time, I can only stalk my sister through her blog and social media to see her life there and my two nephews that are growing up to be smart boys. The last time I saw Azka was four years ago when he was just a baby. Now he's a funny, active, wise and more mature (in a good way) than other boys of his same age. Seriously, I don't know if it's pretty common to hear a four years old boy says, "Can you please bring me my book? I want to relax". On the other side, his little brother, Khalif, is also a smart and independent boy. He's only two years old but so eager to learn to do things from himself. For example, when he wants to climb up and down stairs, he doesn't want help from anyone. I'm so grateful that I have had the chance to meet, talk and play with them.

My favorite wall at my sister's place

I guess the Barbie House is inspired by the real American House

Autumn leaves, I enjoyed seeing them for the first time in a long while 

Too cute to be a real house!

I remember when a few days after I arrived in Bournemouth years ago, I told my sister about the town. It's a small peaceful seaside town which is dominated by elderly couples and students. She said that it sounds pretty much the same with New Bedford and ever since then I always imagined New Bedford looked much like the town I used to live in. After my sister shows us around the town, I realized that these two towns are quite different. The urban design, the beach, and the typical houses and buildings of each town are not the same at all. Though I agree to the point that they are both very lovable places. 

There are also some great places around New Bedford, such as Fairhaven and Darthmouth. We all agree that Fairhaven is such a dreamy place to live, especially the neighborhood that feels very comfortable. One more thing, it has the cutest library I've ever seen! While in Darthmouth we took a visit to Brown University and afterwards went to Jack'O Lantern Festival which was quite good.  

A piece of the New Bedford Antique Shop! 

Fair Haven Public Library - I could spend a day here without being bored

I saw pumpkins everywhereeee!

Even though I love to stay in New Bedford, there was a time when my curiosity for seeing New York beats it. Well, it was my first visit to New York and it was only a short one, so I want to make the most of it. But as soon as my curiosity was satisfied, I've started to miss New Bedford. It feels so comforting to remember those moments when playing with Azkhalif at my sister's cozy place, picking up Azka at school, sipping a hot chocolate in a small coffee shop, waken up by Khalif, watching a glimpse of Cars and Winnie The Pooh movie on the car (Azka loves them so much), aww-ing the Barbie kinda houses, feeling the autumn air, spotting the fall foliage in some parks and streets, getting excited with Halloween's decoration, treasure hunting to an Antique shop, visiting some adorable museums, or just simply standing underneath trees with the falling leaves. Thanks for making us feel so welcome. I hope to see you again, NB :)

Uci Bunda & Khalif at the New Bedford Whaling Museum 

The view from the window of my sister's flat 

Uh. oh. I was speechless!!

One of my favorite things in US: the hanging traffic light 


  1. Ahhhh Ozuuu.... :') Sedihhhhh.... Baru juga seminggu, tapi kerasa kayak udah lama banget ga ketemu lagi. UHUHUHUHUHUHU. Thank you for creating new memories utk Azka dan Khalif ya... Esp, Azka, tadi siang dia bilang "Chicken pox!...... I miss tante Ozu...". Skype date Kamis pagi WIB ya, or weekend...! Mwahhhh..!

    Maafin Uni sekali lagiiii - masih ngerasa ga banyak ngobrol berkualitas, huhuhuhu. Perpaduan cape dan jetlag x)

    1. Iyaa uuun bener bangeettt!!! udah kerasa lamaa banget kayanya :(((( semoga khalif engga lupa sama aku yaa fufufu X(

      AAAA Azkaaa! kemarin aku mimpiin azka. beberapa hari ini juga kepikiran terus. ga sabar pengen skype!! bsk pagi ya un insya Allah :D

      iya gapapa uun, ngerti kok akuu. semoga kita bisa ketemu secepatnya lagi yaa :")

  2. aaaah keren sekali, gemas selalu sama azka khalif emang kelihatan banget kalo keduanya pintar :))

    1. makasii ghee. iya bangeet, aslinya lebih menggemaskaan mereka X)

  3. *tahan napas liat foto2nya*
    Bener2 keliatan damai & menenangkan yaa di New Bedford... Sudut2nya cantik banget..
    Semoga bisa segera ketemu lagi dengan kakak & ponakan2nya ya :')

    1. Emang tenang bangeett dan menyenangkan kotanya!!
      aamiin aamiin! Makasi ya mba tiananda X)


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