Lessons about Chemistry

Just as there is good chemistry between one person and another, there is also bad chemistry. It's okay to acknowledge that certain people may not resonate with us, without delving into the details of their backstory or the reasons behind their traits that don't align with ours. Initially, I felt bad about myself for not trying to understand them enough. But really, we live in a very diverse world where we shouldn't expect everyone to like us, and we shouldn't push ourselves to like everyone either. Don't you agree? That's when I realized that perhaps we shouldn't feel guilty about not liking some people. As I get older, it becomes easier for me to feel drained by people so I've learned not to spread myself thin for everyone. This is also when I go back to my core life philosophy: as long as we're not causing harm to others, we have the right to live life on our terms, which includes setting boundaries and letting go of some people without any guilt.

But just a heads up – deciding not to like people without really getting to know them, based solely on our gut feelings (which can be off sometimes), their personalities that don't align well with ours, and short, rare interactions that could lead to misunderstandings, can totally come back to bite us. Especially on those days when our initial judgments turn out to be way off, and instead of dishing out the same dislike vibes, these folks hit us back with some unexpected kindness. Similarly, when it comes to liking people based on the good chemistry we have with them and what they present in front of us - they might surprise us by responding to our kindness with inconsiderate actions.