Peacetime Resistance

Feeling the comfort of eyes is your sole of intention We all want to be understood unconditionally But you have to realize that a viewer needs distance And the moment your wall melts down - the inside is outside We have been enrolled one by one for the Peacetime Resistance And we're fighting our ba…

The Little Things

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
 - Leo Buscaglia 

Saya setuju banget dengan kalimat ini. Memang seringkali kita enggak sadar kalau te…

Hitam dan Putih

Warna warni pelangi
Bagiku hanya hitam dan putih 
Warna warni pelangi
Hanya hitam dan putih
(Angsa dan Serigala - Hitam dan Putih)

Dress : Gaudi. Striped Long Sleeve Shirt : Forever 21.  Socks : Topshop. Shoes : Staccato. Bag : Zara.
Persistence and Patience always pay off

- Luthfi Anshari


Melamun. Di saat orang - orang menyuruh agar tidak melamun karena katanya bisa kesambet setan, melamun justru merupakan salah satu kegiatan favorit saya. Dimanapun, kapanpun, sadar atau engga sadar, pasti ada aja waktu saya untuk melamun. Banyak banget hal yang bisa jadi bahan lamunan. Mulai dari …

Five Letters

I sort of believe that we all have a list of inspirational women as a role model in our lives. Whether they are your mother, sister, grandma, girlfriend, wife, or even your best friend, you must be so proud to know how much strong they are behind their delicate - looking face. I can say, with no d…