Boston: The City for Happy People

It's a Saturday morning in Boston, and a slight coolness from the autumn breeze that we felt at the first time we arrived was slowly replaced by a warm comforting air. There was such an oddly intimate feeling as I look around, but still in doubt of it. The not-so-eye-catching Starbucks across the street from Boston Public Park was the first place we went after arriving in the city. Well, the truth is, we were a bit desperate for the toilet cause there was no sign of a public toilet. And then we suddenly saw the S that we know for sure it has a toilet that we could use (though we ended up buying some yummy doughnuts and lemon cakes to fill our hungry tummies :p). After we finish our businesses, the park is a real good place to start the day. As my sister's plan, we had a lovely picnic at the park. I love everything that this park has and I'm gonna tell you the reasons in the other post!

One day was hardly enough to know this city. At a glance, I can safely say that Boston is a happy city. Even though it was weekend when most people were supposed to go outside, the streets were not jam-packed. I'm also grateful because the weather was so nice, and probably because of that, people were happy too! The street musicians were playing Bob Dylan at the square, kids were running here and there, young people were eating their lunches that they had purchased from the happening food trucks, elderly were talking with their spouses, friends or families while sipping their hot lattes in cafes. It seems like I could see the glow of happiness on everybody's faces! I don't know why, it just makes me really happy.

Can't get enough of the most popular cupcakes in the states, the Georgetown Cupcakes!

Now you know from whom I got the "ala-ala foto model" gene :p

The Beacon Hill, a place in Boston that most feels like England  

If there's one thing about Boston I kept thinking after I visited it, this is the place where I could feel a piece of England in the states. The European architectural styles are neatly placed between the modern ones, the browny colored buildings are spotted in almost every corner of the city, the gorgeous public library that reminds me a lot of Oxford (I wish I had more time to browse and read books here!), and even I can't put this into a proper explanation, somehow the urban design and pedestrian of the city look similar with some cities in England. But, on top of it all is the Beacon Hill, a charming place  which is also known as one of the most expensive neighborhood in Boston. Thanks to autumn, cause it makes everything more dramatic. The fallen leaves that lie scattered on the cobblestoned streets, the elegant townhouses with colorful vine covering the walls, and the cute gas lamps that stand under the leafless trees. Everything was homey and I was overwhelmed with nostalgia.

Let me not forget to mention that we also went to the three of Ivy League universities: MIT, Harvard and Brown University (this one is actually located in Providence). While at MIT we only went to the Great Dome, we arrived at Harvard when it was raining and after dark. Still I was like "wow" by each of them. I just hope that one day, I will be able to go there again. Cause you still have many more sides to be explored, B :)

Oh, doesn't it look so lovely?

Boston Public Library. Too cute!

The Great Dome of MIT

Cozy evening at Harvard Yard


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