Let's Fall In Love (Again)

December 4, 2015. That day I went to Bandung for the last time before I move to Rotterdam. I didn't intentionally go there only to have a memorable, emotional farewell with my favourite city. Indeed, I went there to attend a workshop, which was extremely boring that I could not wait to leave until it is finished. So I called him whether he wants to accompany me going around the city for a few hours before I go back to Jakarta. Less than thirty minutes later he picked me up. I didn't exactly remember every conversations we had and every places we visited that day, but one thing I remember vividly from my visit is my happiness. The city brought back so many memories of those one thousand two hundred and seventy seven days when we spent our day together. It convinced me to write something that had been on my mind since a long time ago, that he is and has been one of my source of happiness. And so I wrote #ROH 13, while he gave me Let's Not Fall In Love, a song by Big Bang. The lyrics struck me so bad that I played the song over and over again until a few months later, when I finally accepted his thought of why we cannot be like we used to be.

May 7, 2017. Seventeen months later, we met again in the same city. Without no doubt, a lot of things had happened in our lives before the day. We tried our luck by contesting the 11.505 km distance between us. We tried new possibilities by opening up our heart to other people. But it seems like the universe has been on our side. Neither distance nor time can completely make us turn our back on each other. So we decided to try us once again. That day, I should have played one of my favourite songs by Frank Sinatra in his car and told him that it's time to change our songs to be, Let's Fall In Love. Even though I know that he doesn't necessarily listen to the song to believe that we can be like we used to be. 


  1. Bacanyaa bikin happy jugaa~ 😍

  2. Speechless bacanya, soalnya lagi ngalamin juga mirip2 gini :'D

    1. Ahhh, semoga kamu segera diberikan jawaban yg terbaik yaa. Kalo emg berjodoh enggak akan kemana kok ;)

  3. kyaaaa akhirnya aku menunggu tulisan ini.. seneng banget taunyaa. semogaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yaa.. ammiin yra. (love) (love)

    1. hahahahaha kamecccc, makasih yaa kakk! aamiiin. kisss kisss!

  4. kok jadi aku yang senyum senyum baca postingan ini kaaaa *blush* *blush* ikut senang kak ozuuuu <3

    1. hihiiii akhirnya beneran balikan deh nih aku chaa :3

  5. Hariku ikut berbunga-bunga karena post ini Ozuuuu. Semoga lancarrr dan yang penting membuat kalian bahagiaaa. Ayodong mampir Jogja dong please please please

    1. aihhh makasih yaa naad. aamiin buat doanyaa! <3

      pasti akan aku samperin kamu ke jogja, tunggu kabar dariku yaa ;)

  6. yeeeee, akhirnyaaaa. kembalii lagii, semoga langgenggg yaaaa :))))

  7. Zuuu walaupun udah denger langsung ceritanya dari kamu, tapi baca ini masih bikin senyum2. Wishing you both lots of love and happiness :)


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